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From in-depth interviews with web3 pioneers, musicians and entertainers to irreverent but insightful takes on the latest news, Decential Media podcasts have it all.


DeCent People With Noam Hurwitz

Noam leads a team of engineers at Alchemy where they are building the back end technology that makes much of the NFT market work as well as a huge part of the web3 infrastructure. We talked about his time at Pomona College, how he loves Los Angeles and what he’s excited about in the blockchain space.

DeCent People With Arthur Breitman

Arthur was a research engineer at Google X, the innovation lab at the search engine giant, where he worked on teaching self-driving cars to turn left. He then helped co-found the Tezos blockchain and led the startup through a $232 million initial coin offering in 2017.

Jim Evans | Artist

Hear Jim talk about going from a guy who was about to be drafted in 1968 to crafting album covers by 1969—eventually designing band logos and movie posters—opportunities he found by leaning into his talent.